About this Blog

I started this blog as a record of my journey in learning how to run. I hope my experience can help you too in your mission to get off the couch, start exercising and lose that extra layer.

My posts are honest and personal. I have divided them into three sections that comment on my emotions, the physical run (jog!) and tips for next time to help me improve my performance. I hope you can use these ideas to encourage and help you along in your couch to 5k journey.

Please share your experiences, ideas or questions in the comment section of each post.

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Friday 9 December 2011

Week 3, Day 3

(Friday 5:30am)

Emotions (before):
I am Miss Routine! Woke up, got ready and off I went. Sticking to a set time on a set day really makes a difference. Also ensuring everything is laid out the night before is great encouragement to go. I was quite tired this morning as I had been out to dinner and drinks the night before. Yes, not great for the weight loss side of things, but I have started running - not stopping life!

The run:
My knees were really sore today, so I ran on grass wherever I could. I really had to push through the pain barrier on the first 1 and a half minute run, but once I got into the three minute run, the pain subsided. I think I slacked off too much on the stretching. This is my karma for not putting effort into stretching!

I am jogging at a consistent pace now. Yes the last 30 seconds of the three minutes is a bit slow, but each run is generally at the same (not very fast) pace. My seagull coach also joined me again today. I realised he is just squawking and hovering above me to motivate me to jog faster away from him.

I am very keen to do a run from week 1 again, maybe on the weekend. I am very curious to see how I would go. Although I can do a "longer" run now, I am curious to see if I could do 8 x 1 minute bursts.

Tips for next run:
  • Try to find an area that has grass to run on. This will lessen the impact on your developing muscles.


  1. Hi!! You are exactly one week ahead of me on this journey to 5k, so I've been finding your blog very insightful, I've been running after work generally in the evening, but I actually got out of bed and ran W2 R3 this morning because I have my work Xmas party later, I'm feeling pretty proud of myself:). Anyways, I'm enjoying reading about your progress, keep up the good work!
    Ps I wish I had a seagull coach, he sounds awesome;)

    Rachel (Wales, UK) xx

  2. Thank you for taking the time to comment Rachel! It is very much appreciated.

    Oh that crazy seagull, he is possessed! Lucky my iPod drowns out his screeching. I wish I could give him your address.

    Wow, I admire you for having the energy to be able to run in the evening. I am so lazy after work (which if 90% of the reason I gained 10kg). And that you have started in your winter!

    I am very lucky that it is now summer here, and the sun is up at 5:00am. That has helped me a lot.

    I am so glad we have discovered a program that we are achieving and actually want to do. I really hope my experiences are making it easier for you. Looking forward to hearing about your progress.

